Dear Sonzee,
Hi baby girl! Sorry, I am a bit late with my letter this week. Sunday was busy driving back and forth to Gilbert for hockey and a party for Tzvi so by the time we got home I was exhausted. Then Monday and Tuesday were as usual filled with your siblings' activities and so here we are today, 2 days after 111 weeks, and I can sit down and write to you.
Last week was Purim. I have to admit I dislike that holiday a lot, and it is because so many years during your life you were in the hospital for it. I hated going without you to the shul to hear the megillah. I remember one year crying in the parking lot before going in. Other years I just said forget it and stayed in the hospital. I am fairly certain a rabbi came to read to us there a few times as well. It is just one of those holidays that has a forever shadow over it. So, I won't say I did it on purpose, because honestly, I didn't, but I had a chemical peel and massage scheduled for the evening and I went to it, so I missed the huge Megillah reading. Don't worry, I ended up as usual with Rabbi Dov reading it during the 2nd reading. Thursday I went to work and Aba went to all the parties with your siblings. I did go to the Purim dinner in the evening after work, and it was a nice time, but I still dislike the day. I dislike seeing all the families in their matching costumes and I dislike I wasn't able to dress you up. I wonder what you would have been? Hard to think we could ever top you dressing as Nurse Paige and her dressing as you; it is probably best we won't ever have to.
There was nothing else really eventful last week that I can remember now. Oh, I lied, someone broke into the new house. Luckily they only took the jackhammer from the crew and miscellaneous screws. It doesn't make any sense that they left everything else. I did joke initially when aba started to tell me, asking if they took the hamster, but nope, Chip is still (somehow) alive and well?! I am pretty sure Amazon has a warehouse in the new house but they didn't take any of the boxes, not even the new Keurig I bought so Auntie A doesn't get any contaminated nut coffee since Aba made hazelnut in ours. It is really weird, all of that stuff is right by the front door, it would have been so easy to take! I was really only panicking over what little we have left of yours being taken. I doubted they would take boxes, but you never know, and the thought of them taking your stuff and just tossing it out when they would attribute no value to it made me panic. Luckily though, all of your stuff is accounted for. I also remind myself that your items of value except for Mermie are with us or at Bubbie's, so it would be okay. Regardless, Mr. Joe and Mr. Gilbert have put extra reinforcements on the front door so it can't be crowbarred open and they built the sidewall to the garage, so now there really is only one access point, and hopefully, that will do the trick. Aba and I can't even get in now unless the guys are working on the house. Tomorrow the old roofing will be removed and we are one step closer to maybe moving out of this apartment!
Anyway baby girl. I miss you and love you!!! Come visit!
Until next time.
Love always,
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