A few weeks ago, my middle daughter brought me a 500-piece puzzle
and emptied it on the floor. She asked me to help her put it together and I
got excited. After separating the corners from the insides, I realized
that when her baby brother woke up, the floor was a bad location, so we moved
it to the counter. It started with her helping and then eventually she
just wanted me to finish it. Honestly, it was really relaxing, and it was
something I looked forward to completing. It sat unfinished but being worked
on for about 2.5 weeks, but really it was only 4 days I actually spent on it
before it was done. Sam thought it would be a great idea to glue it,
frame it, and give it to the girls, so the plan was for it to sit on the
counter until I got all the supplies. Before that could happen, my middle
daughter was looking at the completed image while eating breakfast and loudly
proclaimed, "I am going to take this apart and do the puzzle again",
and before I could speak the puzzle was back into pieces.
Staring at the location of where the puzzle was placed on the counter I could still see it sitting there, complete, and ready to frame. But then I blinked and remembered that I would have to start all over again if I wanted to see it completed. I left the puzzle on the counter in pieces for a few days, but ultimately decided I needed to take a break, and a deep breath. I put it back into a bag and decided I would take it out another day when I was ready to tackle the job again. So much of our
situation with Sonzee is just like a puzzle. We spend so much time
sorting out the best way to bring out her best; we, including her entire
medical team do our absolute best to get her "back together" every
time that something within in her falters, yet we always end up back at square
one with a bunch of pieces in a pile.
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