When you find yourself living a life with a special needs child,
things that were once "unimaginable" become part of your daily
routine, so much so, that your typical does not seem so atypical...to you.
Then almost randomly you have these "aha moments" where you
realize just how not normal your life, your family's life and your child's life
has become. For me one of those series of "aha moments" came
while preparing for and during our in-home district nursing evaluation to see
if Sonzee qualified for nursing respite vs standard respite.
It is not that I am at all
shocked or surprised she qualified for the nursing part of respite. I am
more slapped into reality over the fact that her seizure log from January 25
includes 124 seizures and those are not counting the ones that happened while
she was in the PEMU or in the last 16 hours. It also does not include an
exact count of spasms/multiple seizures that can happen during a 5-7-minute
event, it is simply representing the number of episodes she has had in the past
3 months. The fact that this is our normal, our "no big deal" does
not faze me daily. We do not bother with rescue medications because they will
not do anything positive for her long term, they will only make her dependent,
so our "comfort" is 15-21 minutes a day of her seizing. I
honestly do not even process that the seizures themselves could render
lifeless, it is as if the entire concept of what a seizure actually is has
fallen on deaf ears. I am pretty sure this would be a proper time to
insert the confused emoji face.
I think about the children and families
of CDKL5 children who have lost their lives often, but I do not let it consume
me or I would be unable to function. Then suddenly, the news spreads that
another child's body just could not compete with the challenges of a CDKL5
mutation and it becomes all too close to home. The distance of that
reality is no longer so far away and the weight of what Sonzee is dealing with
on a daily basis is thrust into the spotlight. Living with a CDKL5
mutation is not just dealing with developmental delays and seizures, these
children are literally fighting just to survive daily. I guess I forgot that?
I do not know what is the
"safer" way of living this sort of life. For me it has always
been best to keep the fear and reality in the distance but aware that we are
not immune, however, on the days these reminders float in it takes a lot of
strength to remember to breathe.
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