Thursday, May 23, 2019

May 23

May 23 seems to be a difficult day every year.  It is really odd considering it is the birthday of Sonzee's middle sister, so you would think it would only be a day of complete celebration, but that is mainly the reason that it is not.  This date every year has become one of those reminder days.  A day that reminds me of how much our kids, especially our 3rd have had to sacrifice since the birth of Sonzee.  A birthday that was celebrated only one time before Sonzee was here.  Which means this year it has been 5 middle sister birthday's that have gone by since.  Which equates to essentially her early childhood years (and even her birthday itself in 2016) have been spent in and out of hospitals as a sibling in tow.

Sonzee's middle sister has always taken the role of big sister seriously.  Prior to even turning 2 or being potty trained, she learned how to identify and notify us of Sonzee having a seizure.  That means on top of the typical things she has learned over the last 6 years, she has spent over 4 of them gaining medical and life knowledge she should not be exposed to.  Due to her being so young and not not in school in 2015, she was the only sibling to see Sonzee outside of the NICU the day she was born before she was sent up 2 hours after her birth.  She bonded with her in 2 different NICU level nurseries and in 2 different hospitals before she celebrated her 2nd birthday.  There are numerous pictures and videos of her kissing, coddling, cheering, dancing, and playing with her.  These captured memories make me so happy to watch and yet so sad because they aren't showing what should have been typical sisterly bonding moments. 

Each year on May 23 I am reminded of how many years have truly gone by.  It is the first immediate family birthday after Sonzee's.  It is the birthday that not only ages her middle sister but also ages Sonzee.  It is the day that I am forced to realize how old everyone in this house really is.  It is the day that falls at the end of the school year where we say aloud how crazy it is that each child is going into grade xyz next year, thus making it unavoidable to realize that where Sonzee is going physically does not match up to her developmental status. May 23 is a day we recognize another journey around the sun has occurred for our middle daughter, we accept that it means it was another year she was forced to grow up sooner than we had planned, and it is just another day that CDKL5 barges in and makes itself known in a random and unexpected way.

The Mighty Contributor

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