Tuesday, June 21, 2022

124 weeks and 1 day

Dear Sonzee,

This last week was filled with putting the last of the items away in the house and unpacking boxes.  We seem to have misplaced Mermie, but Aba assures me we put it somewhere safe - so we have to just remember where that may be.

Mrs. Penny and Seth came for a visit while Lily was in astronomy camp.  I always love their visits! They came for two days and slept over one night. The bathrooms are still ALMOST finished - this time by Sunday when aba and Tzvi leave they will be completed (we hope).

We finally celebrated Meena’s birthday with a pottery party, better late than never right?!

The week was filled with random pop ins of people and  I thoroughly enjoyed making multiple batches of cold brew and various teas for everyone. I LOVE our new house location! 

Shabbas had lots of friends over as well for all of us. I think we are all loving it. 

I spent last week finishing packing for camp and NY. Aba and I packed the car Friday and Saturday night. By Sunday we were ready to head on our way. The girls, Noam, and I met aba and Tzvi by you for a Father’s Day picture and then we left on our journey.

Tonight ends say 3 and tomorrow we will be in NY. It has been a fun and actually easy drive.  We picked up keychains for you every time we got for your siblings. They have states written on heart rocks and it’s so perfect for you!

Anyway baby girl. As always we miss and love you lots!!

Until next time.

Love always,

The Mighty Contributor

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